My new book is out now!

A. Grimsbro, Warlord of Mars It’s the second book in the Futhermucking Classics series, and this time Arabella is taking on Edgar Rice Burroughs’s A Princess of Mars. If you don’t want to go back and read the Wizard of Oz one first, don’t...

Arabella Book 2 is out August 28!

Cover art by Mona Finden A. Grimsbro, Warlord of Mars RELEASE DATE: August 28, 2017 Arabella Grimsbro is a 15-year-old girl with a foul mouth and an attitude to match. When she walks into a cheesy mall store promising virtual reality tours of public domain classics,...

My New Book is OUT NOW

The “Wonderful” Wizard of Futhermucking Oz is now available on Amazon in print or ebook! (If you want to get a signed paperback or an ebook that will work on any reader besides Kindle, you can also buy it directly from me). This one isn’t a...

My Norwescon Schedue

April 13-16 is Norwescon at the Doubletree in SeaTac by the airport, and I’ll be in the dealers room sellin’ books like crazy. But I’ll also be doing readings and panels and junk! If you’ll be at the con, PLEASE COME TO SOME OR ALL OF THESE:...

My new book is out April 17!

Cover art by Mona Finden     The “Wonderful” Wizard of Futhermucking Oz BOOK RELEASE: April 17, 2017 This one isn’t a Chooseomatic — it’s a retelling of L.Frank Baum’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz with a modern-day, foul mouthed...

New website, I AM IN YOU

Yup, it’s a whole new website, at a whole new address, from the same big, loud, cheerful guy you probably met at a comic book convention. The shift from to came from the fact that I’ve been working on a ton of...