My new book is out now!

A. Grimsbro, Warlord of Mars

It’s the second book in the Futhermucking Classics series, and this time Arabella is taking on Edgar Rice Burroughs’s A Princess of Mars. If you don’t want to go back and read the Wizard of Oz one first, don’t worry! It’s specifically designed so you can jump right in if all you care about is BARSOOM.

Arabella Grimsbro is a 15-year-old girl with a foul mouth and an attitude to match. When she walks into a cheesy mall store promising virtual reality tours of public domain classics, the last thing she expects is to find herself stuck in one.

But if she thought Oz was bad, she’s in for a surprise when she trades beloved childrenʼs literature for manly pulp adventure. Giant green monsters! Sword fights to the death! The healing power of toxic masculinity! Welcome to Barsoom, where everything has extra limbs and nobody wears clothes.

Also, the only way out is pretty much death. So… hooray?

You can buy it on Amazon right now! (And please do!)



Arabella Book 2 is out August 28!

Cover art by Mona Finden

A. Grimsbro, Warlord of Mars

RELEASE DATE: August 28, 2017

Arabella Grimsbro is a 15-year-old girl with a foul mouth and an attitude to match. When she walks into a cheesy mall store promising virtual reality tours of public domain classics, the last thing she expects is to find herself stuck in one.

But if she thought Oz was bad, she’s in for a surprise when she trades beloved childrenʼs literature for manly pulp adventure. Giant green monsters! Sword fights to the death! The healing power of toxic masculinity! Welcome to Barsoom, where everything has extra limbs and nobody wears clothes.

Also, the only way out is pretty much death. So… hooray?

You can read the first chapter here. It’ll be available on Amazon and on my website on Monday, August 28, and I should have copies for sale at Readerfest September 9 in Seattle if you need to get yours signed.



My New Book is OUT NOW

The “Wonderful” Wizard of Futhermucking Oz is now available on Amazon in print or ebook! (If you want to get a signed paperback or an ebook that will work on any reader besides Kindle, you can also buy it directly from me).

This one isn’t a Chooseomatic — it’s a retelling of L.Frank Baum’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz with a modern-day, foul mouthed 15-year-old named Arabella Grimsbro standing in for Dorothy. The book is classified as Young Adult (with emphasis on the word “adult” — Arabella drops the f-bomb a grand total of 87 times), and I’m incredibly proud of it. I feel like it’s maybe the funniest thing I’ve ever written?

You can read the first chapter here! And if you decide to buy it from Amazon, please consider leaving a brief, honest review. Not only do reviews help other readers find me, but some advertising venues are only open to books with a certain number of Amazon reviews, and I plan on marketing this thing TO HELL AND BACK.

My Norwescon Schedue

April 13-16 is Norwescon at the Doubletree in SeaTac by the airport, and I’ll be in the dealers room sellin’ books like crazy. But I’ll also be doing readings and panels and junk! If you’ll be at the con, PLEASE COME TO SOME OR ALL OF THESE:




Reading:  The “Wonderful” Wizard of Futhermucking Oz  11am in Cascade 2

I’ll be reading from my brand new book, which technically isn’t even out yet. THERE WILL BE SWEARING, JUST SO YOU KNOW


Self Publishing Comics: Online and On Paper  1pm in Cascade 3&4

Our panelists will talk about the ins and outs of drawing, writing, and producing your own comics without the support of a bigger company. With Julie McGalliard and, Matt Youngmark.




SF/Fantasy Battle Royale  3pm in Evergreen 3&4

Who would win in a fight? A fast-paced, bracket-style, breathtakingly unscientific showdown to determine this year’s Ultimate Fictional Champion. Ready… Fight! With Matt Youngmark, Erik Scott DeBie, K. M. Alexander and Jason Bourget.


Comic RPG Smackdown  5pm in Cascade 5&6

Bring your favorite comic characters in mind, and our crack team of comic know-it-alls will develop stats for them to battle it out in an RPG Comics Smackdown to End All Smackdowns! With Spencer Ellsworth (M), Erik Scott de Bie, Matt Youngmark and Adia


Dungeons and Dragons and Pop Culture  8pm in Cascade 9

How has the king of role playing games influenced popular culture? D&D has left its mark on movies, TV shows, comic books, and video games. Let’s talk about our favorites, and some of the ways that Dungeons & Dragons has imprinted on our popular media. With Rob Stewar, Matt Youngmark and Jake McKinzie


My new book is out April 17!


Cover art by Mona Finden



The “Wonderful” Wizard of Futhermucking Oz

BOOK RELEASE: April 17, 2017

This one isn’t a Chooseomatic — it’s a retelling of L.Frank Baum’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz with a modern-day, foul mouthed 15-year-old named Arabella Grimsbro standing in for Dorothy. The book is classified as Young Adult (with emphasis on the word “adult” — Arabella drops the f-bomb a grand total of 87 times), and I’m incredibly proud of it. I feel like it’s maybe the funniest thing I’ve ever written?

It officially goes on sale on Amazon and on my website on Monday, April 17. YEEHEEHEEEEE! If you want to snatch it up the day it goes live (and help me boost my Amazon sales rank, leading to UNPRECEDENTED FAME AND PROSPERITY), sign up for my mailing list below to get a reminder!

Oh, and will I SECRETLY HAVE COPIES FOR SALE A FEW DAYS EARLY AT NORWESCON? Honestly, it depends on printing and shipping times. But maybe!



New website, I AM IN YOU

Yup, it’s a whole new website, at a whole new address, from the same big, loud, cheerful guy you probably met at a comic book convention. The shift from chooseomatic.com to youngmark.com came from the fact that I’ve been working on a ton of non-chooseomatic stuff over the last few years, and kind of wanted it all in one place. Also, I might have had my domain registration notifications going to an email I never check any more, and let chooseomatic.com expire a little bit? The people who snatched that domain up like THE DAY it went derelict would probably sell it back to me for the right price, but seriously, FUCK THOSE GUYS RIGHT IN THE EAR.

But I’m here, you’re here, it all worked out okay. You can go see the old site at chooseomaticbooks.com, and all the Conspiracy Friends stuff at secretwebcomic.com. For now, at least! I’ma prolly re-route those sites here at some point.

Oh, also! I’m working on SO MUCH NEW STUFF RIGHT NOW. Announcements soon!